Ramsay Health Care Australia (Ramsay) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other relevant laws about how private health service providers handle personal information (including but not limited to patient health information).
We are committed to complying with all applicable privacy laws which govern how Ramsay collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal information.
This Privacy Statement sets out in brief how Ramsay facilities (inpatient and outpatient services) will handle your personal information. For further information or to receive a copy of our full Privacy Policy, please ask a staff member, visit our website: www.ramsayhealth.com or telephone the Ramsay facility and ask to speak with our Privacy Officer. You can also write to our Privacy Officer to request more information.
In respect of Patients, Ramsay will collect your personal information for the purpose of providing you with health care and for directly related purposes. For example, Ramsay may collect, use or disclose personal information:
In respect of other individuals, Ramsay will collect your personal information in order to engage with you in your dealings with Ramsay and for other related purposes.
Personal information may be shared between Ramsay facilities to coordinate your care. We also outsource some of our services. This may involve us sharing your personal information with third parties. For example, we outsource the conduct of our patient satisfaction surveys to a contractor who may write to you seeking feedback about your experience with Ramsay.
We may outsource information and data storage services (including archiving of medical records), which may involve storing that information outside of Australia. Where we outsource our services we take reasonable steps in the circumstances to ensure that third parties, including organisations outside of Australia, have obligations under their contracts with Ramsay to comply with all laws relating to the privacy (including security) and confidentiality of your personal information.
Ramsay will usually collect your personal information directly from you, but sometimes may need to collect it from a third party. We will only do this if you have consented or where it is not reasonable or practical for us to collect this information directly from you (for example, in relation to a patient, your life is at risk and we need to provide emergency treatment).
We will not use or disclose your personal information to any other persons or organisations for any other purpose unless:
You have the right to access your personal information that we hold about you (for patients, this includes health information contained in your health record). You can also request an amendment to personal information that we hold about you should you believe that it contains inaccurate information.