Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions where food, exercise, body weight, and self-image can become unhealthy fixations. People of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds can be affected by eating disorders, and each person’s experience comes with its own unique set of challenges. At Ramsay Mental Health, we understand that overcoming an eating disorder is a personal journey, and we’re here to offer compassionate, evidence-based support every step of the way.

Eating disorders

An eating disorder is a mental health condition in which eating, exercise, body weight and shape become an unhealthy preoccupation in a person’s life. Eating disorders are complex and can take many forms. People of all shapes and sizes can be affected by an eating disorder.

Treatment for an eating disorder usually involves a mix of psychiatric interventions, psychological care, nutritional counselling and self-help strategies.

Treatment options

Ramsay Mental Health offers a broad range of psychiatry and psychology treatment services for eating disorders that can be tailored to meet your needs, including:

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