Psychological therapies

Ramsay Clinic Berkeley Vale programs are grounded in evidence and supported by our expert teams of psychiatrists and psychologists.

Whether you are receiving care as an inpatient, outpatient or through Ramsay Psychology, it is likely that your care will involve some type of psychological therapies.

Our team is experienced across a range of psychological therapies.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that the way we think and behave will affect the way we feel.

CBT teaches people to monitor their mood in order to notice the early signs of becoming unwell and the factors that trigger their mental health conditions.

It helps people to change unhelpful behaviours and thoughts, and establish more realistic ways of thinking, as well as stress-management and self-care skills.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy focuses on helping people learn new skills and ways to manage their emotions.

DBT involves education on mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

Just Another One

Just Another One

For many, the image of an alcoholic is someone whose life has visibly crumbled around them.

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Trapped in the Storm

Trapped in the Storm

Relationships are meant to be sources of support, love, and growth.

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Finding Your Perfect Match

Finding Your Perfect Match

Therapy. It's a word that can conjure up images of leather couches and probing questions.

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