
Dr Jacqueline Kaelle

FRANZCP, MBBS, G.Cert Med Edu, B. App. Sc (Leis. and Hlth)
Dr Jacqueline Kaelle is a consultant psychiatrist who utilises a unique combination of psychological techniques, social and lifestyle changes, and medications for the holistic wellbeing of her patients.
Ramsay Clinic Thirroul
72 Phillip Street
Thirroul NSW 2515
02 4267 2811
Dr Jacqueline Kaelle


Dr Jacqueline Kaelle is a consultant psychiatrist who works for NSW health as the community mental health stream clinical director, and has honorary fellow and clinical senior lecturer roles with the University of Wollongong’s graduate medical program.

As a local graduate of UOW, she undertook most of her training in the Illawarra and has strong knowledge of the local community.

Jacqui prides herself in the professional relationships she forms and enjoys enduring and collaborative therapeutic relationships with her patients. She utilises an eclectic and individually tailored fusion of psychological techniques, social and lifestyle changes, optimisation of physical health and medications, for holistic wellbeing. Jacqui maintains a strong interest in advocacy for the improvement of mental health services and the teaching of medical students using a trauma-informed lens. She is currently undertaking a Bachelor of Law degree.