Easy Access

We work in partnership with General Practitioners and key service providers to treat people suffering with a comprehensive range of mental health concerns.

Step 1 - Call Our Intake Team

Please call our Intake Team on 0437 010 565 at Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast to discuss accessing our services or to see if admission to the Clinic is suitable and available.

Note: If the patient is in acute crisis or actively suicidal, please contact the local Hospital Emergency Department. Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast does not provide any emergency services.

General practitioners and non-credentialed psychiatrists cannot arrange admission directly to Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast.

Patients will also need to have appropriate health care cover:

  • Private health insurance - Any patient that is covered by a private health fund.
  • Self-funded - The patient will be provided with an estimate prior to their admission.
  • Workers Compensation - Approval needs to be obtained from the insurance company prior to admission.
  • Veteran Affairs patients

Step 2 - Referral

Referrals may be addressed to ‘Dear Doctor at Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast’ or to a credentialed Psychiatrist of choice (please refer to the specialists directory).

The referral from the treating GP or Psychiatrist should be sent to:

Note: Our credentialed Psychiatrists are Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs), not employees of Ramsay Health Care and make decisions regarding acceptance independently. This may include arranging an appointment for assessment, admission or not accepting the referral.

Step 3 - Eligibility Check

This is a brief introductory phone call to let the patient know that we have received the referral, to discuss some of the details in that referral and check the insurance/cover details.

We will discuss the referral with our credentialed Psychiatrists and if accepted the Intake Team will contact the patient to discuss further arrangements.

Note: Eligibility also includes a determination on patient suitability for the services provided by Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast.

Step 4 - Admission / Appointment 

The admission or appointment is confirmed and date and time scheduled.

On occasions when there is not a psychiatrist available to accept the admission Ramsay Clinic Gold Coast notifies the patient and referring practitioner.